So we have 耳 along with 呈. It's meaning is interpreted either as a 形聲 or a 會意.
形聲:The semantic component is 耳(ěr, ear) and the phonetic one is 呈(chéng)
會意:"the person who speaks 呈 into the ear 耳 - sage".
So how did they decide to simplify this one? Take a look.

So what's wrong with this? The character already exists. 圣(kū) is a 會意, "to till the ground 土 with the hand 又 - till".
So isn't it nice that what once was holy is now just scattered dirt? That's some nice imagery.
Worse for the sages is now they're akin to "weirdos/freaks" 怪 (guài). Eccentrics as some sages may've been to their contemporaries, they weren't freaky.