So let's start with the character 发.

What is it? Well, it's two characters merged into one. In Traditional Chinese those two characters are 發 and 髮, and they both have two completely different meanings.
I have found two different etymologies for the character 發, they both make sense to me, so I'll post them both.

1. 發(fā) is made up of the semantic 弓(gōng, bow) and the phonetic 癹(pō/bá). It has the meaning of "to send out", which you could do with a bow. The 說文解字 uses this etymology.

2. 發(fā) is a 會意 made up of 癶(bō, footprints)弓(gōng, bow)殳(shū, action with the hand). Therefore, its meaning could be seen as "the action of 殳 on a bow 弓 to make the arrow go forward 癶 - shoot".
Whichever origin you believe to be true, both work. Either way, both methods (形聲 and 會意) are normal ways of creating characters.
As for the second character, 髮, it goes a little something like this.

On top we have the semantic 髟(biāo, hair) and on the bottom the phonetic 犮(bá). Thus, we have the character for "hair", 髮(fà[PRC]/fǎ[TW]).
So the simplification for these two characters is the same. 頭髮 and 發音 become 头发 and 发音 respectively. 发 is apparently based on the 草書(grass script) of both characters. It is a new character with no semantic or phonetic components. It does reduce the number of strokes but it doesn't really simply things. What's more, it looks a lot like 犮 and 友.
2 pronunciations, 2 meanings, 1 character, lots of confusion 囧
When I first saw that one I wondered what relation it had to 友。Wasn't quite expecting "発". Traditional FTW.
ReplyDelete• 発 is the Kanji shinjitai of 發発#Etymology
• 犮 (archaic) 犬走貌, mostly used as phonetic component: 拔 (bá "remove"). 髮 (fǎ "hair")犮#Descendants
• For remembering the char.: 发 (simp. of 發/発) looks like a balding pal 友 who's only got a couple of hairs 髮 left on his head (in the forms of the dotted strokes on top of the char.)
The dots also could be fancied to represent "vents" of anger 發氣 on the aforemention pal's dissatisfaction toward his Homer-Simpson-patterned baldness.
2 pronunciations, 2 meanings, 1 character, lots of confusion 囧
ReplyDeletehahahahah, this isn't just happen to 发. How about 脏?
心脏(心臟)- heart
肮脏(骯髒)- dirty
This makes lots of confusion too.囧
Sounds good 殖為, I may use that for my next post.
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