Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Loss of tǐng

Today we are going to look at . Surprisingly this character is not included in most fonts, so don't be alarmed if you cannot see it on your computer. I will be using an image instead of the actual character to avoid any problems.

is pronounced tǐng. It is made up 丿(piě) and 土(tǔ, earth). Originally, this character was made from 人(rén, man, human) and 土(tǔ, earth) as you can see below.
(人) + (土) = ()

So why are we talking about this character? Well, it usually serves as a phonetic component for characters. However, since most people no longer recognize it, they now see it as 壬(rén) or 王(wáng,wàng), which is incorrect. Let's look at a few characters where is used.

Be sure not to write these with 王 or 壬, the differences are very slight, but they are nonetheless there.

Here are the same 4 characters in 小篆.

They were even harder to spot the differences back in the day.

Here is the rule as stated by the Taiwan Ministry of Education(台灣教育部)

CNS11643 shows several pronunciations, however I believe they are all based on similar-looking characters, e.g., 正(zhēng)、壬(rén)、王(wáng,wàng)、and 玉(yù).


  1. I just tried the 壬 (tǐng) on my machine and only the font Apple LiGothic has it, but it's not calligraphic and beautiful like yours.
    What fonts are you using?

  2. The font is called 全字庫正楷體 and it's on the CNS11643 website. Go to and click on 98.1版向量字型. It contains 38,676 characters. In order to get "ting" to show up in the font, you need to be using Extension-B.

  3. awesome post
    i never knew that was actually a character :P

  4. User # 1 seems to want to type: �� tǐng.

    On Mac, it's available under LiHei Pro, a system font.
